About Us

If there is anything we are sure of, it's that anything and everything is All For God. At the end of the day, the sales don't matter, the hype will fade away but if you recognize the love that God has for you, that's all that matters.

 We believe that this movement will reach around world into multiple countries, and cultures preaching a simple message of God coming down in flesh as Jesus Christ & loving you. This isn't only streetwear, this isn't another Christian clothing brand, this is All For God.

 We don't know what tomorrow holds but if God is involved we want in. 

 After all, this is All For God

 It's not about us, it's about God. It's all about God. We're just here to let you know that the God of this world, Jesus Christ, loves you.

 With Love

- Jahmil Green & Shabach Kerr